DenominaciónEO6 INGENIERIA, S.L.P
Domicilio SocialPlaza Madres de Mayo 44,4º Of. 2, 31013 Artica ( Navarra)
Inscrita en el Registro mercantil de Navarra, Hoja NA 16256, Folio 793, Tomo 58, Sección 8ª.
Correo electrónicoinfo@eo6ingenieria.com

Conforme con lo dispuesto en el Reglamento UE 679/2016 y en la Ley orgánica 3/2018 de 5 de Diciembre de protección de datos personales y garantía de los derechos digitales, le informamos de que los datos de carácter personal que nos facilita y aquellos que se generan durante el desarrollo de relación con usted, son tratados con las siguientes finalidades:

1. Datos facilitados a través de formularios de contacto:

  • Gestionar, tramitar y dar respuesta a sus peticiones, solicitudes, incidencias o consultas.
  • El ofrecimiento de productos y servicios.
  • Efectuar análisis sobre la utilización del Sitio Web y comprobar las preferencias y comportamientos de las personas usuarias.


2. Datos facilitados para participar en procesos de selección de personal o candidaturas espontaneas:

  • Valorar su candidatura en selecciones de personal



Los datos personales proporcionados se conservarán mientras no se solicite su supresión por la persona interesada, o quien legalmente actúe como su representante legal y ésta proceda, y mientras sean necesarios -incluyendo la necesidad de conservarlos durante los plazos de prescripción aplicables- o pertinentes para la finalidad para la cual hubieran sido recabados o registrados.

La conservación de los datos estará condicionada a la obligación legal que EO6 INGENIERIA SLP tenga de conservarlos. Superados esos plazos los datos serán destruidos o borrados, realizándose la supresión, eliminación o destrucción de modo que la información contenida en los soportes no sea recuperable.


La base legal del tratamiento de sus datos es el consentimiento prestado por parte de la persona interesada. Este se obtiene de modo expreso e inequívoco mediante la cumplimentación y en su caso envío de los documentos y formularios en papel o electrónicos en los que se recopilen sus datos. En todos los documentos de la entidad, que se usan para recoger datos para los diferentes usos, existen cláusulas informativas de conformidad con lo establecido en la normativa de protección de datos y el consentimiento se manifiesta de modo expreso mediante la firma por parte de la persona interesada, o el envío de los formularios existentes en la página web.

Es también causa de legitimación el tratamiento cuando este sea necesario para la ejecución de un contrato, o la prestación de un servicio de los que se prestan a las personas interesadas, en el que estas sean parte, o para la aplicación a petición de las mismas de medidas precontractuales (art. 6.1.a y b RGPD).

También es causa de legitimación cumplir con las obligaciones legales a las que  como responsable esté obligado y para la satisfacción de interés legítimos, siempre que sobre estos no prevalezcan los intereses o los derechos fundamentales de las personas interesadas.


Sus datos no se cederán a ninguna entidad sin su consentimiento salvo las cesiones previstas legalmente, en este sentido se solicitará su consentimiento expreso para la cesión de sus datos a cualquier otra entidad.

Como consecuencia de la gestión de las finalidades autorizadas sus datos podrán ser comunicados a entidades o personas directamente relacionadas con EO6 INGENIERIA SLP y con los servicios prestados por la misma. Asimismo, su información personal estará a disposición de las Administraciones públicas, Jueces y Tribunales, para la atención de las posibles responsabilidades nacidas del tratamiento y siempre que estas cesiones estén amparadas en la ley.

Sus datos pueden también ser cedidos a empresas que nos prestan algún tipo de servicios de asesoramiento, mantenimiento informático, marketing, formación o auditoría. Estas entidades solo tienen acceso a la información personal que sea necesaria para llevar a cabo dichos servicios, exigiéndoselo mediante un contrato de “encargo de tratamiento de datos” que mantengan la confidencialidad, que no puedan usar la información para otros fines y que adopten las medidas que garanticen la integridad y la disponibilidad de la misma.

No están previstas transferencias internacionales de datos fuera del espacio de la Unión europea o a entidades que no cumplan los estándares en cuanto a protección de datos establecidos por el reglamento UE 679/2016.

Los datos personales que trata EO6 INGENIERIA SLP son proporcionados por la persona interesada, o bien obtenidos de fuentes accesibles al público


Los datos que se tratan son los necesarios para el cumplimiento de los fines autorizados por la persona usuaria.

6.1.Datos facilitados a través de formularios de contacto:

  • Datos identificativos: nombre y apellidos.
  • Datos de contacto: dirección de correo electrónico.
  • Datos de navegación.


6.2 Datos facilitados para participar en procesos de selección de personal o candidaturas espontaneas:

  • Datos identificativos: nombre y apellidos.
  • Datos de contacto: dirección de correo electrónico.
  • Datos de navegación.
  • Cualesquiera otros aportados en el currículo.

En caso de que la persona usuaria facilite datos de otras personas, manifiesta contar con el consentimiento de las mismas y se compromete a trasladarles la información contenida en la Política de Privacidad.


Cualquier persona tiene derecho a obtener confirmación sobre si EO6 INGENIERIA SLP trata datos personales que le conciernen, o no.

Las personas interesadas tienen derecho a acceder a sus datos personales y a obtener una copia de los datos personales objeto del tratamiento, a actualizarlos, así como a solicitar la rectificación de los datos inexactos o, en su caso, solicitar su supresión cuando, entre otros motivos, los datos ya no sean necesarios para los fines para los que fueron recogidos.

En determinadas circunstancias y por motivos relacionados con su situación particular, los interesados podrán oponerse al tratamiento de sus datos. EO6 INGENIERIA SLP dejará de tratar los datos, salvo por motivos legítimos imperiosos, o el ejercicio o la defensa de posibles reclamaciones.

También en determinadas circunstancias, previstas en el artículo 18 RGPD, los interesados podrán solicitar la limitación del tratamiento de sus datos, en cuyo caso EO6 INGENIERIA SLP los tratará, con excepción de su conservación, con el consentimiento del interesado o para la formulación, el ejercicio o la defensa de reclamaciones, o con miras a la protección de los derechos de otra persona física o jurídica o por razones de interés público importante de la Unión o de un determinado Estado miembro.

En el caso de que fuera aplicable, como consecuencia de la aplicación del derecho a la supresión u oposición al tratamiento de datos personales en el entorno on-line los interesados tienen el derecho al olvido según la jurisprudencia que el Tribunal de Justicia de la UE.

En virtud del derecho a la portabilidad, los interesados tienen derecho a obtener los datos personales que les incumben en un formato estructurado de uso común y lectura mecánica y a transmitirlos a otro responsable.

Toda persona interesada tiene derecho a no ser objeto de una decisión basada únicamente en el tratamiento automatizado, incluida la elaboración de perfiles, que produzca efectos jurídicos en él o le afecte significativamente de modo similar, salvo las excepciones previstas en el art.22.1 RGPD.

La persona interesada tiene el derecho a la supresión de sus datos, por la desaparición de la finalidad que motivó el tratamiento o la recogida, por revocación del consentimiento cuando sea éste el que legitime el tratamiento, o por el resto de motivos contenidos en el artículo 17 RGPD. La supresión se realizará, procediendo al borrado de alto nivel de los datos contenidos en soportes automatizados y a la destrucción física de los soportes no automatizados


Dirigiendo un escrito a las direcciones indicadas en el encabezamiento, indicando el derecho que se solicita. En ocasiones y con la finalidad de acreditar la identidad de la persona solicitante se puede pedir la exhibición del DNI u otro documento equivalente, que la identifique.


Si considera que sus derechos no se han atendido debidamente, tiene derecho a presentar una reclamación ante la Agencia Española de Protección de Datos, cuyos datos de contacto son: Teléfonos: 901 100 099 Dirección Postal: C/ Jorge Juan,6 Madrid.

Última actualización: 18/02/2025


Basic Information on Data Protection

Purposes of treatmentInformative website.
Management of queries through forms.
Management of service promotions.
Lawfulness of treatment
Express consent of the data subject
Execution of a contract or application of pre-contractual measures.
Legitimate interest for data processing.
Compliance with legal obligations.
RecipientsPersonal data collected will not be transferred to third parties. Without prejudice to those third parties who provide services to EO6 INGENIERIA, S.L. for the purpose of managing the provision of services, the contractual and/or pre-contractual relationship with the interested parties or processing requests made by them.
Rights of data subjects
Access, rectify and erasure the data, as well as other rights, as explained in the additional information.
Additional information
You can consult the additional and detailed information on Data Protection in the attached clauses that can be found in https://eo6ingenieria.com/es/privacy-policy

At EO6 INGENIERIA, S.L.P. we work to offer you the best possible experience through our products and services. In some cases, it is necessary to collect information to achieve this. We care about your privacy and we believe that we must be transparent about it.

Therefore, and for the purposes of the provisions of REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016 (hereinafter «GDPR») on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and the LAW 34/2002, of July 11, 2002, of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (hereinafter, «LSSI»), EO6 INGENIERIA, S.L.P informs the user that, as data controller, will incorporate the personal data provided by users in an automated file.

Our commitment starts by explaining the following to you:

  • We collect your data to improve the user experience by addressing your interests and needs.
  • We are transparent about what data we collect about you and why we collect it.
  • Our intention is to provide you with the best possible experience. Therefore, when we use your personal information, we will always do so in a compliant manner, and where necessary, we will ask for your consent.
  • We understand that your information belongs to you. Therefore, if you choose not to give us permission to process it, you can ask us to stop processing it.
  • Our priority is to ensure your security and to process your data in accordance with EU law.

For more information on how we process your data, please see the different sections of the privacy policy below:

Who is the controller for the processing of your personal data?

The personal data that you have provided us with in this and other communications maintained with you will be included in the Registries of Processing Activities of EO6 INGENIERIA, S.L.P with postal address at C/Larrazko 91, Oficina 212 31013 Ansoain (Navarra) Spain and e-mail info@eo6ingenieria.com

What personal data do we collect?

The personal data that the user may provide:

  • Name, address and born date.
  • email address.
  • Company name.
  • IP address, date and time in which you access to our services, browser and data about the operating system of your device.
  • Any other information or data that you decide to share with us.

Most of the personal information we process is provided to us directly by you. In some cases, it is obligatory to fill in a form to access certain services. Not providing the personal data requested or not accepting this data protection policy means the impossibility of navigating the website.

Who is responsible for the accuracy and veracity of the data provided?

EO6 INGENIERIA S.L.P., is not liable for the accuracy of the data provided by their users. It is user’s liability to guarantee, in any case, the accuracy and authenticity of the personal data provided. The user agrees to provide complete and correct information. EO6 INGENIERIA S.L.P is exonerated from any liability in this respect and therefore does not assume any responsibility with regard to hypothetical damages that may arise from the use of said information.

EO6 INGENIERIA S.L.P. is only responsible for the veracity of its own elaboration information. EO6 INGENIERIA S.L.P. reserves the right to update, modify or eliminate the information contained in its web pages and may even limit or deny access to said information. EO6 INGENIERIA S.L.P. is exonerated from any responsibility for any damage or harm that the user may suffer as a result of errors, defects or omissions in the information provided by EO6 INGENIERIA S.L.P., provided that this comes from sources outside or publics the company.

What is the lawful basis for the processing of your data?

The processing of your data can be based on the following legal bases:

  • Express consent of the data subject. The user is informed of the possibility of withdrawing consent in the event that it has been granted for a specific purpose, without affecting the legality of the processing based on consent prior to withdrawal.
  • Execution of a contract or application of pre-contractual measures.
  • Legitimate interest for data processing.
  • Compliance with legal obligations.

What rights do you have and how can you exercise them?

Under data protection law, you have rights we need to make you aware of. You may address your communications and exercise your rights by written communication to the following email: info@eo6ingenieria.com

Under the provisions of data protection regulations you can apply:

  • Right of access: You can ask for information of those personal data that we have about you. You have the right to ask us for copies of your personal information.
  • Right to rectification: You have the right to ask us to rectify information you think is inaccurate. You also have the right to ask us to complete information you think is incomplete. You can communicate any change in your personal data.
  • Right to erasure: You can request the deletion after blocking personal data.
  • Right to restriction of processing: You have the right to ask us to restrict the processing of your information in certain circumstances.
  • Right to object to processing: You can withdraw your consent to the processing of your data, opposing further processing.
  • Right to portability: In some cases, you can request a copy of the personal data in a structured format, commonly used and machine-readable for transmission to another data controller.
  • The right not to be the subject of individualised decisions: You may request that decisions not be taken which are based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which produces legal effects or significantly affects the data subject.

In some cases, the request may be refused if you request that data necessary for the fulfilment of legal obligations be deleted. Also, if you have a complaint about the processing of data you can submit a complaint to the data protection authority.

Why do we process your data?

Depending on the purposes we will need to process some data or others, which in general will be, depending on the case, the following:

  • Manage orders or hire any of our services, either online or in the physical stores.
  • Manage the sending of the information requested.
  • Develop commercial actions and carry out the maintenance and management of the relationship with the user, as well as the management of the services offered through the website and the information tasks, being able to carry out automatic evaluations, obtaining profiles and customer segmentation tasks in order to personalize the treatment according to their characteristics and needs and improve the customer’s online experience.
  • Develop and manage contests, raffles or other promotional activities that may be organized.

In some cases it will be necessary to provide information to Authorities or third companies for auditing purposes, as well as to handle personal data of invoices, contracts and documents to respond to customer or Public Administration complaints

How long do we keep your personal data for?

The processing of the data for the purposes described will be maintained for the time necessary to meet the purpose of their collection, as well as for compliance with legal obligations arising from the processing of data. Without prejudice to the fact that conservation is necessary for the formulation, exercise or defence of potential claims and/or whenever permitted by applicable legislation.

EO6 INGENIERIA S.L.P undertakes to cease the processing of personal data at the end of the storage period and to block them in our databases.

To which recipients is your data communicated?

In general EO6 INGENIERIA S.L.P. will not transfer personal data to third parties, except in those situations where such data may be transferred to other collaborators who provide services to EO6 INGENIERIA S.L.P., for the purpose of managing the provision of these services. Likewise, any transfer, will be informed to the data subject through the consent clauses established by data protection regulations.

EO6 INGENIERIA S.L.P. ensures the security of personal data when it is sent outside the company, and ensures that third party service providers respect confidentiality and have appropriate measures in place to protect personal data. Such third parties have an obligation to ensure that the information is treated in accordance with data privacy regulations. In some cases, the law may require that personal data be disclosed to public bodies or other parties, only as strictly necessary for the fulfilment of such legal obligations.

Where is your data stored?

In general, data is stored within the EU. For data that is sent to third parties outside the EU, we will ensure that they offer a sufficient level of protection, either because they have Binding Corporate Rules (BCR) or because they have signed up to the Privacy Shield.

How do we process personal data of minors?

In principle, our services are not specifically addressed to minors. However, in the event that any of them are addressed to minors under fourteen years of age, in accordance with article 8 of GDPR and article 7 of LO3/2018, of 5 December (LOPDGDD), EO6 INGENIERIA S.L.P. will require the valid, free, unequivocal, specific and informed consent of their legal guardians in order to process the personal data of minors. In this case, the DNI or other form of identification of the person giving consent will be required.

In the case of persons over fourteen years of age, data may be processed with the consent of the user, except in those cases in which the law requires the assistance of the holders of parental authority or guardianship.

What security measures do we apply to protect your personal data?

EO6 INGENIERIA S.L.P. has adopted the legally required levels of security for the protection of personal data, and tries to install those other additional technical means and measures at its disposal to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of personal data provided to EO6 INGENIERIA S.L.P. is not responsible for hypothetical damages that may arise from interference, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, telephone breakdowns or disconnections in the operation of this electronic system, caused by reasons beyond the control of EO6 INGENIERIA S.L.P.; delays or blockages in the use of this electronic system caused by deficiencies or overloads of telephone lines or overloads in the Data Processing Centre, in the Internet system or in other electronic systems, as well as damage that may be caused by third parties through unlawful interference beyond the control of EO6 INGENIERIA S.L.P. Nevertheless, the user must be aware that Internet security measures are not impregnable.

Links to other websites

The http://www.eo6ingenieria.com/ website may contain links to other websites. By clicking on one of these links and accessing an external website, the visit will be subject to the privacy policy of that website, and EO6 INGENIERIA S.L.P shall not be held responsible for its privacy policy.

How do we use cookies?

The website of EO6 INGENIERIA S.L.P. uses cookies, in order to optimize and customize your navigation through it. Cookies are physical information files that are hosted on the user’s own terminal, the information collected through cookies is used to facilitate user navigation through the portal and optimize the browsing experience. The data collected through cookies may be shared with the creators of the same, but in no case will the information obtained by the same be associated with personal data or data that can identify the user.

However, if you do not want cookies to be installed on your hard drive, you can configure your browser to prevent the installation of these files. For more information, please see our Cookies Policy: http://eo6ingenieria.com/cookies-policy/

Updates to this Notice

EO6 INGENIERIA S.L.P. keep its privacy notice under regular review to make sure it is up to date and accurate. We recommend that you review the privacy policy from time to time.